Topstories Magazine in a Quick chat with A Kenya Musician and Producer VICKY PON DIS

His resilience ,smartness and prowess at the control tower of music production has made him a household name. With his magic hand, he had given the best shot to audio production.

Vicky pon dis, a young producer at age has just let the  ball out, rubbing  shoulder with  legends and  veterans in the industry. Producing something  that an inferior prospector of attitude can spell doom,  a chance of not making it.

 For him, his courage is what made him a survivor in the mucky  waters of the big industry. He however advises others that they need not get tired in their quest for making their passion a reality. Telling them tales that they need to experience working with big artists in order to get their songs on record as their producer. For Mr Vicky, his first belief is in God and himself,  something he can't  shy away from letting us know. 

This  has made him climb the ladder to work with those artists whom are dream to many producers. Unlike many producers who either criticize what others do or even deny artists opportunity to record because they, (artists) don't have sufficient money.

Vicky is different as his openness and  friendly touch made me draw my seat even closer to listen to what he does. Simba sound records is his recording empire where he juggle his  music  production with his cling of various  artists who frequently seek his hand to make their music on course ..with even emerging trend in the industry, the growing demand for best  sounds that go hand in hand with awesome  production.

Vicky is a front runner for  he has got all artists who step foot at the simba sound covered  and rest assured with a high quality produced song.

With experience also as artist, Vicky pon dis seem to have gotten that taste of knowing what artists need in their song ,having done his latest song that he featured Danny Gift Dubbed  Asante, his deluge idea of making  best of what he does is noticed since the song is doing well getting much air play and more likes at various social media platform . 

Nonetheless, his exceptional work has  attracted big artists like Gloria Muliro, Danny Gift and Jimmy Gait just to mention a few. of the many. Jimmy Gait's kuna day and hello rendition which was done by Vicky  have  also gotten much love as it requires because of its standard, content and beat. Without doubt,Vicky did justice to  the song. Speaking exclusively to  Topstories magazine, he validate all this heap of praises...

Who is vicky pon dis ?

I am  a musician, music producer and an enterpreneur.

Why a career in music production ?

I followed my passion and i love making music its the only food to the soul.

With all music producers in the country what has helped keep you to be relevant?

I believe i have stayed relevant because i dont depend on my previous success.

If you did not have a career on music where would you be ?

.I would be an IT guy in some company.

How do you juggle your production life with personal life ?

Its simple,am always myself so the two lives are not so different.

What inspires you to do exceptional and outstanding work ?

Am inspired by an American RnB producer (Brian Cox).

How do you source clients ?

My music brings me more artists.I make  good songs and they keep coming back

You produce good sound recording ,why is this important to an artist?

Artist deserve good music they do pay for it.

Do your artist benefit well from simba records networking ?

Yes they do, if  not  they would  have stoped coming  to me and maybe i would not be where i am today.

Any upcoming projects ?

Alot of them, and we will release more good music soon, but for now lets thank God with our latest (Asante by Danny Gift ft Vickypondis).

Can you describe ,briefly how you work together with your artist ?

We make proper agreements that and  we stick to it.

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